
Barreleye Fish With Transparent Head

Barreleye Uses Its Head To Catch Prey
Mar 22 2009 Scott Miller Pets Corner

This amazing fighter-plane shaped fish with a transparent head is one of nature's wonders.

The Pacific Barreleye lurks 2000ft below sea level off the coast of California.

Skulking through the dark, inky water, they hunt other fish and jellyfish by looking directly upwards through their clear head.

Topped by green, orb-like lenses, its eyes filter out what little sunlight makes it down from the surface, allowing it to focus on the bioluminescence of small jellies or other prey passing overhead.

Then the eyes rotate forward to follow the fish before it homes in for its dinner.

Using a remote operated vehicle (ROV), the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute capture this astonishing creature in its native environment. Check out Youtube to see it for yourself.

